Trinity Western University

Here is a copy of a brief statement I presented today at the Evangelical Free Church of America’s ONE Conference in New Orleans regarding Trinity Western University. I am not smart enough to actually write anything down ahead of time, so I think this is the reconstruction of it, essentially word-for-word. I share it here READ MORE

Helping the Spiritually Hungry

I am spiritually hungry. That might be a strange statement coming from a man who has been a follower of Jesus for nearly forty years, pastoring one of the largest churches in a three-state region. But it is true. I am spiritually hungry, and I suspect you are too. Whether you are a seasoned saint READ MORE

Are You Signed Up for GLS?

Let me be painfully blunt: our world is starving for substantive leaders—true leaders—who will step up and move us forward to a preferred future. Even the simplest glance toward Washington, D.C. tells us that this much is true. Our society is hungry for men and women who will not settle for the management of mediocrity, READ MORE

A Call about Women’s Rights

The story on Fargo’s Valley News Live begins this way: Many women in North Dakota are left wondering what their rights really are when it comes to their bodies. As I processed the statement I could not help but think of an article on about which I wrote on my blog a couple of READ MORE

Renewing Winter-Dead Branches

As the month of March begins to tease many of us in the North Dakota and Minnesota region with hints of spring, I cannot help but find my hunger for seasonal renewal getting stronger. With the days getting ever longer and the snow melting more and more each day, it is hard to not be READ MORE

A Kindergarten Class Each Week

The fact is I have been holding back. Biting my tongue. Restraining myself, not wanting to appear to politicize something as horrific as the Newtown Massacre. After all, it is absolutely awful; words are simply not adequate to describe the pain within my heart regarding what took place on December 14, 2012, in Connecticut. And I READ MORE