From Jesus was are reminded the preference of the world is toward power and subjugation. There is a better way: lifting rather than lording. READ MORE
Mark 10:42-45
The Power of Level 5 Leadership
Sitting here watching the constant barrage of news reports about this political season draws my attention to a moment that reflects the utter antithesis of too many of today’s politicians. The moment in question: a conversation centuries ago between Jesus and his disciples; a conversation about the nature of true leadership. Here it is: And Jesus READ MORE
Benghazi and Power
Benghazi, the IRS, the Associated Press, and so much more! This flood of scandalous news draws my attention backward to a post I put forward in 2010. That post was specific to the mid-term elections, but there are some points of biblical wisdom that are timely right now. Perhaps you will agree: Sitting here watching READ MORE
An Audacious Conviction: To Lead Like Christ
The mission of Bethel Church in Fargo, North Dakota, is to make disciples who live, love and lead like Christ. Indeed, it is our audacious conviction that this is the premier responsiblity that we have as a church, and, in fact, it is the premier responsibility of every church in every spot on the planet. READ MORE