A Brief Note from the Far Side of the World

Well, here I am in Jakarta, Indonesia, having meaningful access to a computer for the first time in several days. I am in Jakarta visiting my brother and his family, and recuperating a bit from a fascinating and insightful trip through parts of Cambodia, where Bethel Church has an important partnership with some very strategically READ MORE

We Belong to Jesus!

Webster refers to it as having ‘great pleasure or happiness; delight.’ The apostle Paul charges us to ‘rejoice in the Lord always’ (Php 4:4). Then he repeats himself: ‘I will say it again: Rejoice!’ James urges us to have joy, and so does Peter, John and Jude. In the gospels, Jesus repeatedly talks about joy. READ MORE

He Arrived: A Christmas Poem

He arrived. In the midst of darkness and sin, the Promised Child of the Ages came to the scene. Unpretentious. Without fanfare. Quietly . . . on a still night in Palestine. To ordinary people. He arrived. For the brokenhearted and those filled with shame, the Immanuel came to the scene. A little child . READ MORE

The Prayer of Persistence

The house was strangely quiet except for the sounds of a woman’s bitter weeping rising from downstairs. Elijah sat on the floor of the upstairs bedroom staring at the young boy—the dead boy—as his lifeless body rested upon the bed. Elijah, too, undoubtedly tasted the bitter herb of grief. “O LORD my God, have you READ MORE