A Brief Note from the Far Side of the World


Well, here I am in Jakarta, Indonesia, having meaningful access to a computer for the first time in several days. I am in Jakarta visiting my brother and his family, and recuperating a bit from a fascinating and insightful trip through parts of Cambodia, where Bethel Church has an important partnership with some very strategically placed missionaries who are really making a difference for God’s kingdom.

Here in a few days I will unfold a bit of the details and observations regarding that journey. Suffice it say, the people with whom we worked in Cambodia are a beautiful people who are desperately needing a Savior. Theirs is a nation that has been through so much (like the regime of the Khmer Rouge), and now by God’s grace there is a great window for spiritual birth.

In the meantime, I am soaking in the sights and sounds of Indonesia. My brother and his wonderful family are terrific tour guides, and this is a remarkable country. Again . . . once I settle back into my normal routine, I’ll pass along more. Until then, don’t forget that the Lord Jesus loves you and eagerly relishes being your Savior and Friend.


  1. Pastor Bob says:

    We wish we could be there in Jakarta with all of you. Praying for a safe return to your girls and His ministry.

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