Take Note of the Little Things

Endless are the times when the cares of the heart are many. That is why one helpful encouragement, found in Psalm 94:19, is so worthy of your attention. Read it carefully: When the cares of my heart are many, Your consolations cheer my soul. Webster tells us that “consolation” has to do with comfort in READ MORE

Grief Over “King James Only” Logic

It is with an abiding sense of weariness that I read about Pastor Marc Grizzard’s plan to have a “Bible-burning” this coming Halloween night. The reason that the North Carolina pastor desires to burn Bibles? They are not the King James Version, which, in his mind, “is God’s preserved, inspired, inerrant, infallible word of God READ MORE

One Awful Day

Thankfully it is from the likes of General Norman Schwarzkoph that I find myself having permission to cry uncontrollably if needed. When asked years ago by Barbara Walters how it was that the great general would cry when talking about his troops he, with star-bedecked shoulders and stout chest declared, “I am scared of a READ MORE