The Ultimate Uniter

One of the most fascinating things about the many trips I’ve taken throughout the years around the world is the fact that perfect strangers of varied backgrounds and experiences can stand united with that eternal bond which is the shed blood of Jesus. The shed blood of Christ is the most precious commodity in all READ MORE

A Brief Note from the Far Side of the World

Well, here I am in Jakarta, Indonesia, having meaningful access to a computer for the first time in several days. I am in Jakarta visiting my brother and his family, and recuperating a bit from a fascinating and insightful trip through parts of Cambodia, where Bethel Church has an important partnership with some very strategically READ MORE

We Belong to Jesus!

Webster refers to it as having ‘great pleasure or happiness; delight.’ The apostle Paul charges us to ‘rejoice in the Lord always’ (Php 4:4). Then he repeats himself: ‘I will say it again: Rejoice!’ James urges us to have joy, and so does Peter, John and Jude. In the gospels, Jesus repeatedly talks about joy. READ MORE

One Awful Day

Thankfully it is from the likes of General Norman Schwarzkoph that I find myself having permission to cry uncontrollably if needed. When asked years ago by Barbara Walters how it was that the great general would cry when talking about his troops he, with star-bedecked shoulders and stout chest declared, “I am scared of a READ MORE

28 Is The New 60

While sitting in the food court at the West Acres Mall (the largest mall between Minneapolis and Spokane!), watching numerous people mill about with Christmas gifts and weary looks, I noticed one man with a bright orange T-shirt on (yes . . . it was about 10 degrees outside) that read, “Orange is the New READ MORE

A Rustic Stable

When the rough and tumble shepherds gathered into the rustic stable Joseph hardly knew what to do. No doubt, fear gripped him as they assembled around the little boy in the manger. Mary—startled from her much needed sleep by the commotion—looked up with bewilderment. What do these men want? The answer came quickly. With an READ MORE