Bearing the Marks of Jesus

As the Apostle Paul concludes his impassioned letter to his Galatian friends, he starkly contrasts a life of nominal Christianity with being a new creation because of the work of Jesus Christ. These are very important distinctions; worthy of amplification. Nominal Christianity. A “nominal value” is often a value that exists in name only. For Paul, the READ MORE

The Galilean Carpenter

Though routine the soldiers’ work on top of the hill attracted onlookers. They labored away, planting stakes and laying out the timbers that would form the stands for some rough crosses. The sun was devouring the morning fog, and from that hill one could see the beginning of a very busy Friday in Jerusalem. Across READ MORE

An Audacious Conviction: To Love Like Christ

The mission of Bethel Church is to make disciples who live, love and lead like Christ. This, of course, begs a question: just how did Jesus live, love and lead? If we are to make disciples who are like Christ, then we need to know how Christ manifested these things in his own life. Taking READ MORE

An Audacious Conviction: To Live Like Christ!

Bethel Church has this audacious conviction that we are called to make disciples who live, love and lead like Christ. For us at Bethel Church, nothing rivals this mandate. It is the primary means by which we declare God’s glory (see Psalm 96:3), and is our bold response to Jesus’ own command in Matthew 28:19-20, READ MORE

Thanksgiving Rabbit

As if the fact that God has redeemed a stiff-necked sinner like me isn’t enough to demonstrate his grace and power, I need look no further than a boy named Kirby. Lost on the streets of Dallas, no home, hungry, and all alone, what happened to Kirby is a portrayal of grace, much like David’s READ MORE

Jesus is Risen Indeed!

In chapter 16 of his gospel, Mark applies striking brushstrokes to the canvas that is the resurrection story. Among the inviting colors that he paints are the nervous lines of a handful of women uneasily approaching Jesus’ tomb. These ladies are undoubtedly filled with a mixture of apprehension and quiet resolve: the apprehension being that READ MORE