The Twelve

Pay careful attention to the story of Jesus’ formal affirmation of the twelve disciples who would follow after him, as recorded by Mark in the historical account bearing his name: And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired, and they came to him. And he appointed twelve (whom READ MORE

Good News of God

Here are a couple of important questions for you to answer. First, do you ever find yourself overwhelmed with an internal darkness that leaves you frightened, worried, empty, and convinced you must live the most obscure and alone life anybody has ever experienced? The second question is this: if Jesus were to speak to you, READ MORE

The Leader and the Threats He Faces

Every one of us in positions of leadership—whether a mom or a CEO or a preacher or a shop foreman, just fill in your own title or position—comes to that dark moment when like King David in the awful face of treachery we wish to “wander far away” from it all (Psalm 55:7). It is READ MORE