Moving beyond election day a handful of items come readily to mind for how we followers of Jesus move forward. READ MORE
Reflections on the American Church and Global Ministry
At a global ministry conference in Beirut, Lebanon, I was asked to share my reflections on the state of the American church and the implications of my observations for global ministry. Here is a survey of what I shared: First, evangelicalism, which is a rich theological construct, has been co-opted by American politics and is READ MORE
Four Lies About Hell
Doing away with Hell is in vogue today. Our increasingly fuzzy evangelicalism is determined to not just water it down, but make it go away. After all, we say, God is a loving God and would never be so cruel as to punish people for eternity. For him to do so would be morbid, heinous, READ MORE
Select Thoughts on 9/11
Politics and patriotism aside, we cannot forget 9/11. Consider the following reasons why: First, 9/11 is a vivid reminder to us all that there really is, despite prevailing cultural notions to the contrary, evil. Evil is real, and is a reality with which we must reckon. No matter where one stands politically with regard to READ MORE
My Thoughts On Syria
Like many of you I have been watching with deep concern the whole matter regarding Syria, the use of chemical weapons, whether or not America will respond militarily, and so forth. My mind and heart have been all over the map. One moment I have been all for blasting Syria into the stone age, and READ MORE
Ariel Castro and Pornography
This is a post I wish I had written yet I have simply not had the time. I knew, however, that at some point, some valuable voice would make its way to print. I am thankful. Ariel Castro and his house of horrors redefines for us the concept of the nightmare, but long before three READ MORE