Senators Prefer Pain and Death for Babies offers these simple observations about a baby in the womb 20 weeks into the pregnancy: Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He’s also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel – about the length of a large banana. (For the first 20 READ MORE

The Mark of a Disciple

It is rather simple, really, this defining mark of a disciple of Jesus Christ. Jesus, of course, sums it up quite well with his pithy imperatives nestled within Mark 8:34. Here is what he says:  And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let READ MORE

Maria, Mexico, and Pain that Overwhelms

For a couple of days I have watched, admittedly from the comfortable confines of my home, the unfolding drama in Mexico because of the earthquake, and the unfolding events in Puerto Rico because of Hurricane Maria. Of course, both of these horrid disasters come on the heels of Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Harvey; and all READ MORE

Unless the Lord Builds the House

The fact that Psalm 127 was written by Solomon ought to give every struggling man or woman some semblance of hope. After all, Solomon, despite his wisdom, was a profoundly broken and messy man, whose family dynamics and private world were an utter wreck. For him, with all of that as his backdrop, to come READ MORE

Charlottesville and Sin

There is a single word to describe the idolization of white supremacy in Charlottesville, and contrary to the narrative it is not history or preservation or protectionism. It is . . . SIN. There is only One who is supreme, and His name is Jesus, and, remarkably, He came “not to be served but to READ MORE