Write this Down: Pride


“Write This Down…” provides a restatement of selected points or observations from various teaching venues at which Pastor Matthew speaks. The following material is from Pastor Matthew’s sermon entitled, “Pride,” part of the series called “The Seven Deadly Sins,” the weekend of September 19, 2010 at Bethel Church:

Pride is that departure from sober self-judgment toward a place far within where one exaggerates or corrupts his or her reality, often beyond recognition, wounding the self and others along the way. 1 Chronicles 21, which tells a story of King David, gives a good glimpse at how pride happens and hurts. Consider the way in which pride took root in King David’s life.

First, King David was so established and comfortable that he became filled with contempt. This implied that King David came to look casually and perhaps dismissively at his surroundings—the people, the opportunities, the responsibilities, etc.

Secondly, this contempt, which is an expression of a proud heart, caused King David to no longer listen to his trusted advisors, in the case of 1 Chronicles 21, General Joab.

Thirdly, this contempt caused King David’s heart to grow cold toward God and His written Word. Thus in trying to force the military census King David utterly ignored the admonitions regarding a census found in Exodus 30:11-16.

Lastly, this contempt found King David dismissing what was clearly God’s fingerprints all over King David’s life and realm. By ignoring God in this regarding, King David found himself isolated, exaggerating his own importance.

Of course these things suggest alternatives for combating pride. First, we must always remember that whatever we have in life is from God and is for God and His kingdom. Secondly, we must allow ourselves the privilege and responsibility of accountability with people around us. We need to be wise listeners. Thirdly, we must hide the Word in our hearts so that we would not sin against God. Fourthly, need to live in the moment but for eternity.

When dealing with our pride we can learn from King David’s example. He declared clearly and boldly that he had sinned, and expressed without hesitation his desire to “fall into the hand of the LORD” (1 Chronicles 21:13). It is there that he could find mercy and grace.

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