Unless the Lord Builds the House

The fact that Psalm 127 was written by Solomon ought to give every struggling man or woman some semblance of hope. After all, Solomon, despite his wisdom, was a profoundly broken and messy man, whose family dynamics and private world were an utter wreck. For him, with all of that as his backdrop, to come READ MORE

Taking the Lead . . . .

In the margin of my Bible, right next to Psalm 45, I have written the following words: take the lead, at the front, for causes bigger than you—don’t be shy. To the right of these words I have placed a star, scrawled in pencil, and to the left of these words an arrow pointing toward READ MORE

Reflections on One’s Assignment: A Reprise

Joshua 12 presents a stark contrast between two great men, Moses and Joshua, and their successes in the field of battle. Moses, it is recounted here, defeated two kings: Sihon, king of the Amorites; and Og, king of Bashan. Joshua, however, defeated “in all, thirty-one kings” (v. 24). At first glance it would appear that READ MORE

The Legacy Begins at Home

In our time Christian families are struggling. Too many of our youth are walking away from the church, and too many families are conditioned to believe that the church is primarily responsible for the spiritual development of children. This reality not only needs to be called out, but it needs to be addressed boldly and READ MORE

Musings on Messages, Part One

The title is really wrong. It should say “Musings on the Messenger,” but I want to keep my options open for further reflections on sermons, the sermonizing process, and the nature of proclamation. However, I must begin whatever musings I am compelled to offer with the messenger himself (or herself, as the case might be). READ MORE

Reach Beyond Your Grasp

Reach Beyond Your Grasp—four words that ought to rock our respective worlds. But too many of us too easily settle for what is within reach, and as a result miss out on what great and mighty and even miraculous things God would do. Perhaps a reflection on Joshua and the army of Israel would challenge READ MORE