Taking the Lead . . . .

In the margin of my Bible, right next to Psalm 45, I have written the following words: take the lead, at the front, for causes bigger than you—don’t be shy. To the right of these words I have placed a star, scrawled in pencil, and to the left of these words an arrow pointing toward READ MORE

The Shepherd’s Prayer

Folded into the midst of of the sixty-ninth psalm is a remarkably simple prayer that captures my attention and ought to capture the attention of every pastor, leader and shepherd. Let not those who hope in you be put to shame through me, O Lord GOD of hosts; let not those who seek you be READ MORE

Sheep Without a Shepherd

Jesus’ move to yet one more spot along the Sea of Galilee brought about more drama. This time, at what appears to be the height of his public ministry, five thousand men, plus what we might expect are thousands of women and children, press in to connect with him. The word “overwhelming” must surely come READ MORE

Is the Lord Shepherding You?

One of the most famous lines in the whole world is “The LORD is my shepherd,” found in Psalm 23:1 in the Old Testament’s Psalter. Five words in the English language, two in the Hebrew, the simple statement has captivated and encouraged the souls of millions for ages. Tucked generally into the middle of the READ MORE

Reflections on a Massive Feeding

In recent days I have spent some time focusing on the four accounts from the New Testament of Jesus feeding the 5,000 men (Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9, John 6). I have been looking at these various accounts of this famous event by means of that old spiritual practice known as the Lectio Divina. READ MORE