Light of the World

Our world can be very dark. Children will go for generations in many corners of our planet without clean water. Mildly successful businessmen will trade their accomplishments in for alcoholism. On this very night too many women in our own community will wonder—even if for a moment—if they truly get their husbands’ fullest affections. There READ MORE

A Cry in the Wilderness

The wilderness is a place of desolation, deprivation and despair. Here the harsh voices within our souls scream bloody murder, taunting us, pointing out our foolishness, our shame, our sins, questioning who we really are and why we are so lonely. The vulnerability of the wilderness plays on our deepest fears and leaves us wallowing READ MORE

Select Thoughts on Judgment and Hypocrisy

Consider the following reflections on judgmentalism and hypocrisy, particularly as it relates to the study of Galatians 6:1 and following at Bethel Church. Matthew 7:1-5 is helpful here: “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured READ MORE

Christ Has Set Us Free!

Without a doubt, Galatians 5:1 is the key to the entire letter that Paul writes to his Christian friends in the Roman province of Galatia: For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. Not only do these words provide an apt summary of READ MORE

Faith & Law

Galatians 3:5 and following offers an insightful contrast between the life of faith and the role of law. The Apostle Paul points out that the ancient father of nations, Abraham, embodies the life of faith, having been declared righteous not because of any works on his part, but because he “believed God” (Galatians 3:6; Genesis 15:6). This READ MORE

Grace Does Not Make Sense

Grace simply does not make sense. It is scandalous. It is shocking. It is often appalling. It does not make sense. And yet, it defines the existence of every follower of Jesus Christ. Without grace we have nothing. I often define grace in the following simple terms. You’ll note the acronym that is created from READ MORE