Dietrich Bonhoeffer is one of my most beloved heroes. A German pastor and professor who gave his life to the cause of opposing Hitler and the Nazi regime, his legacy is vast. On April 6, 1943, Bonhoeffer was arrested by the Gestapo, largely due to his efforts to rescue Jewish friends and family and help READ MORE
The Leader and the Threats He Faces
Every one of us in positions of leadership—whether a mom or a CEO or a preacher or a shop foreman, just fill in your own title or position—comes to that dark moment when like King David in the awful face of treachery we wish to “wander far away” from it all (Psalm 55:7). It is READ MORE
Yesterday: From Oswald Chambers
As the final page of 2009 opened up before me I stumbled upon the final page of Oswald Chamber’s classic My Utmost for His Highest and found this timely and encouraging exhortation. Read it carefully, and let it be for you a worthy word for this season of transition from what was to what will READ MORE