The cross of Christ, and the related proofpoint which is the resurrection, has made seeing God possible again. The guilt is gone. READ MORE
Lifting Rather Than Lording
From Jesus was are reminded the preference of the world is toward power and subjugation. There is a better way: lifting rather than lording. READ MORE
Five Reflections from the Story of Ruth
Ruth is the beautiful, dramatic, and yet simple story of two widows seeking to find their way past hopelessness, despair, and grief. READ MORE
The Power of Level 5 Leadership
Sitting here watching the constant barrage of news reports about this political season draws my attention to a moment that reflects the utter antithesis of too many of today’s politicians. The moment in question: a conversation centuries ago between Jesus and his disciples; a conversation about the nature of true leadership. Here it is: And Jesus READ MORE
A Call about Women’s Rights
The story on Fargo’s Valley News Live begins this way: Many women in North Dakota are left wondering what their rights really are when it comes to their bodies. As I processed the statement I could not help but think of an article on about which I wrote on my blog a couple of READ MORE
Jesus is the Sabbath
It was a simple walk through a wheat field that provided an earth-shattering opportunity for Jesus to highlight some powerful insights into the nature of mercy, true rest, life’s greatest purpose, and who it is that is the ultimate arbiter of all things. Consider this historical moment as recorded by a pastor named Mark in chapter READ MORE