One clear goal of Jesus’ life was to pierce the darkness in which we live and usher in the light of God’s redeeming grace. But this is not a mission that is exclusive to Jesus’ earthly season. Indeed, this is a mission that every one of his disciples must fulfill. No exceptions. His simple parables, READ MORE
Wars and Rumors: A Reprise
(I posted this about a year ago, but as I thought about much of what is going on in our world today I decided a reprise made sense, keeping in mind, of course, the dated but still ongoing realities stemming from the 2011 Japanese earthquake, Libya, etc. –Matthew) I am quite anxious about sounding cliché READ MORE
Wars and Rumors
I am quite anxious about sounding cliché in putting this post forward, but the reality is I’m not sure how one can look at the events in recent days and not reflect with some measure of pause upon Jesus’ words in places like Luke 21:10 and following. Consider what he says: Nation will rise against READ MORE