The Risk of Moving Forward

“Forward!” is the watchword of the spiritual life, a movement toward a destination that seems so incredibly elusive, but one into which we will step when it does in fact materialize. But “Forward!” is incredibly frightening. It can be costly. It requires change. It requires patience. It requires determination. It requires humility. It requires faith. Moving READ MORE

Taking the Lead . . . .

In the margin of my Bible, right next to Psalm 45, I have written the following words: take the lead, at the front, for causes bigger than you—don’t be shy. To the right of these words I have placed a star, scrawled in pencil, and to the left of these words an arrow pointing toward READ MORE

Real Meets Resolution

Authenticity. It is the buzzword for the emerging generation. It is the ideal attitude and demeanor of every sought-after pastor. Indeed, it is one of the three core values for my own existence (the other two being accountability and availability). Authenticity, genuineness, being real, being raw—all of these are the currency of our culture. But being real without READ MORE