Unless the Lord Builds the House

The fact that Psalm 127 was written by Solomon ought to give every struggling man or woman some semblance of hope. After all, Solomon, despite his wisdom, was a profoundly broken and messy man, whose family dynamics and private world were an utter wreck. For him, with all of that as his backdrop, to come READ MORE

Three Temptations Common to All

In the barren wilderness known as the Jordan Rift the Lord Jesus faced three universal temptations designed to undermine him as a man and corrupt his sense of personal mission. It is likely that he dealt with many other temptations while in this physical wasteland, but these three are recorded, and they do indeed carry READ MORE

Selected Books on Leadership (May 2012)

A good friend of mine reached out to me earlier this week asking what resources I have been reading lately on leadership. I get questions like this a lot, and not just about leadership, but issues relating to culture, the spiritual life, theology and so forth. I also get lots of questions about news sources READ MORE