Reflections on One’s Assignment: A Reprise

Joshua 12 presents a stark contrast between two great men, Moses and Joshua, and their successes in the field of battle. Moses, it is recounted here, defeated two kings: Sihon, king of the Amorites; and Og, king of Bashan. Joshua, however, defeated “in all, thirty-one kings” (v. 24). At first glance it would appear that READ MORE

Old Guys Rule: Anna and the King

There are only three verses recording her story, and yet within the broad expanse of God’s written Word, Anna leaps out as a compelling, winsome and remarkable woman seasoned by life and her Lord. Take in the whole of her story, as recorded in Luke 2:36-38: And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of READ MORE

Boys to Men

Yesterday I had a chance to speak to a group of people wanting to know if healthy marriages are possible and how to attain them. Among the various things I offered was the great need for adult males to be men and not boys. Experience tells me that too many males process life as boys READ MORE