I am quite anxious about sounding cliché in putting this post forward, but the reality is I’m not sure how one can look at the events in recent days and not reflect with some measure of pause upon Jesus’ words in places like Luke 21:10 and following. Consider what he says: Nation will rise against READ MORE
Tsunamis, Pain and Mercy
I’ve actually been in the San Diego area the past few days attending a gathering of Evangelical Free Church pastors, known as the K Club, and have followed this with a three day personal retreat. This morning I stood with thousands of others on the seawall alongside of the coast here in Carlsbad, California, looking intently out to sea, READ MORE
Where Was God When the Earth Moved Haiti?
HELP PROVIDE LONGTERM CARE IN THE NATION OF HAITI CrossWorld is a mission agency that has enjoyed a vibrant and effective presence in Haiti for many years, cooperating in efforts relating to education, medicine, church planting, evangelism, etc. In the aftermath of this devastating earthquake, CrossWorld’s crisis management team is working to address concerns such READ MORE