One of the greatest responsibilities family leaders have is cultivating a vibrant dynamic of prayer both for themselves and for those they love. This world can strip of us of a lot of things, but no one or nothing can take away our ability to have personal communion with the Most High God. Affirming this READ MORE
With One Accord
Acts 2:42-47 is the quintessential passage in the Bible on community and fellowship within the church. Consider what it says: And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the READ MORE
Creating Community that Lives Above & Beyond
At Bethel Church we are continuing a very important sermon series entitled “Living Above & Beyond.” The purpose of the whole series, and this season in which we find ourselves, is to equip followers of Jesus to live above and beyond material slavery, spiritual complancency, and small-minded eternal vision. We want God to meet us READ MORE
Night, Giving Way to Day: A Reflection on the Resurrection
You are Peter. Your world is falling apart, your light has turned to darkness, and you are wondering if there is any hope. This is your story of the final hours, and of night giving way to day: Then came that fateful night. Have you ever been in a situation where you want to do READ MORE
Fresh Wind for Tattered Sails
Too many pastoral leaders are isolated, ground-down by the rough chisel of people’s warped expectations, and filled with worry that they really are not making any meaningful difference. I should know. I have been there. The fact is, it is one of the devil’s most familiar tactical approaches with pastors and their families. So when READ MORE