I love books! I love to read. If anything, one of the great frustrations of my life is the lack of time I give to reading. There is always more I wish to absorb. Below are some of the books I read in 2018 (the ones that I have in my home office). Perhaps you READ MORE
On the Night Stand (Select)
Groucho Marx once said, “Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” Amen to that! I get asked all the time what I am reading, and so I thought I would share with you the last few books that I have either just read, or READ MORE
Selected Books on Leadership (May 2012)
A good friend of mine reached out to me earlier this week asking what resources I have been reading lately on leadership. I get questions like this a lot, and not just about leadership, but issues relating to culture, the spiritual life, theology and so forth. I also get lots of questions about news sources READ MORE