Three times in Daniel 4 we see that the Most High is over the kingdoms of humanity and establishes them as he pleases. God is in charge! READ MORE
Real Meets Resolution
Authenticity. It is the buzzword for the emerging generation. It is the ideal attitude and demeanor of every sought-after pastor. Indeed, it is one of the three core values for my own existence (the other two being accountability and availability). Authenticity, genuineness, being real, being raw—all of these are the currency of our culture. But being real without READ MORE
Values for the Disciple
Mark 7:31-37 offers a striking moment in which to grapple with some important values for every disciple of Jesus. To begin with, consider the story, as told from Mark’s perspective: Then he returned from the region of Tyre and went through Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, in the region of the Decapolis. And they READ MORE
The Cry of the Warrior-Poets
Stop for just a moment. Ask yourself from what it is the Lord has set you free. Was it the scaring shame of deep-seated sin? Was it a relationship that was once spiraling out of control, now healed and thriving? Was it a season of depression or anxiety that you thought would never end? Was it READ MORE
A Call to Urgency
Just before the Apostle Peter was executed he penned his second letter to the Christ-followers that he so dearly loved, and this letter was full of exhortation regarding things to come and the spirit with which those he loved could await for the Lord’s return. Consider, for example, 2 Peter 3:11-14: Since [Heaven and Earth] are thus to be dissolved, READ MORE
Taking God’s Story Above & Beyond
At Bethel Church we are continuing a very important sermon series entitled “Living Above & Beyond.” The purpose of the whole series, and this season in which we find ourselves, is to equip followers of Jesus to live above and beyond material slavery, spiritual complancency, and small-minded eternal vision. We want God to meet us READ MORE