Transformative time around a meal plays a prominent role throughout the Bible. Surely this was in mind when the Lord God told the people of Israel, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today READ MORE
Asleep in Chains
Tucked within the confines of Acts 12 is a telling description of the Apostle Peter’s true character; a portrait of his internal constitution. To appreciate the notation about the great apostle one needs to understand the broader context. King Herod was rounding up the Christian leaders in Jerusalem, putting “violent hands on some” (Acts 12:1). READ MORE
Angels and Demons: Daniel 10 and Beyond
Daniel 10:1 and following offers an incredible though brief glimpse into a world rarely seen or understood, for here we find that beyond the veil of time and space angels and demons are vying against one another in the great contest between the Mighty God and his purposes and God’s foe, Satan, and his purposes. READ MORE
A Rustic Stable
When the rough and tumble shepherds gathered into the rustic stable Joseph hardly knew what to do. No doubt, fear gripped him as they assembled around the little boy in the manger. Mary—startled from her much needed sleep by the commotion—looked up with bewilderment. What do these men want? The answer came quickly. With an READ MORE