Write This Down: Lust


“Write This Down…” provides a restatement of selected points or observations from various teaching venues at which Pastor Matthew speaks. The following material is from Pastor Matthew’s sermon entitled, “Lust,” part of the series called “The Seven Deadly Sins,” the weekend of October 17, 2010 at Bethel Church:

Lust is when my contempt for God’s person and provisions leaves me unfulfilled, and on the hunt to satisfy my deepest cravings my way, regardless of the consequences.

A glimpse into King David’s life in 2 Samuel 11 finds him in a season wherein lust gets the best of him. It begins in 2 Samuel 11:1 with his own refusal to enter into the assignment God has given him as leader of the nation. His contempt for God’s assignment—God and God’s provision for David—leaves him isolated and therefore lacking that intimacy we are built by God to enjoy. Thus, David is vulnerable to whatever might present itself as a worthy substitute for God’s best.

His casual stroll along his terrace brings him into contact with that supposed substitute. Bathsheba, the wife of one of David’s best friends, is bathing on her rooftop within David’s view. Because David’s contempt for God has eroded his will and caused his heart to be hardened to conviction, David lets his passions master him, invites Bathsheba into his chamber and gets her pregnant.

All of this could have been headed off if King David has been attentive to God’s unique assignment in his life, and had been nurturing that attentiveness  by spending time with God. Psalm 16 offers a beautiful glimpse at how attentiveness to God can be nurtured: Affirming God’s protection and goodness (Psalm 16:1-2); having a genuinely other-centered attitude (Psalm 16:3); recognizing the disastrous consequences of walking away from God (Psalm 16:4); affirming God’s safe provisions in life (Psalm 16:5-6); and recognizing God’s worth and blessing Him (Psalm 16:7-8). Security and joy are the result (Psalm 16:9-11).

Psalm 32:5 gives a helpful snapshot of King David’s humility and repentance when confronted with not only his lustful ways but with the consequences of such. It is an invitation for you and me to find forgiveness and peace with God.

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