The Missionary God

As Jesus’ disciples made their way up the eastern slope of Mt. Zion toward the magnificent temple mount, they must have felt a sense of exhilaration about approaching that familiar but still great place. It was, after all, the symbol of everything Jewish—that monument that evoked remembrances of the covenant God and His glory. But READ MORE

The Lord Remembers

The large crowd suggests that it was early afternoon, but it really doesn’t matter. The important thing is what happened to Zechariah. The supreme moment of his Levitical service had arrived. The lot had fallen his way. The Privilege was finally his. When word came that the duty was his, Zechariah no doubt saw his READ MORE

Climbing the Dusty Trail

It was that time of year for the elderly priest from Judea’s hills to join ranks with the other priests of his division and travel to the glorious city of Jerusalem. With all of the gumption he could muster, gumption only the younger ones were expected to have, he placed a tender hand on Elizabeth’s READ MORE