Demons of the Soil and the Soul

Just off the upper patio behind our house is a lower patio made up of hundreds upon hundreds of small bricks. On this patio is an old table with four chairs, plus a chimenea that has about seen its last days. And there are weeds. I’d like to say that there were weeds, but it’s READ MORE

Three Top Needs for Any Pastor

An acquaintance of mine just asked a group of friends and me how to encourage and mentor a young pastor experiencing tremendous growth in his church. He had wisely sought out my acquaintance for mentoring and accountability, and this man then asked us for pieces of experience that he could pass along to this young READ MORE

Demons of the Soil and the Soul

Just off the upper patio behind our house is a lower patio made up of hundreds upon hundreds of small bricks. On this patio is an old table with four chairs, plus a chimenea that has about seen its last days. And there are weeds. I’d like to say that there were weeds, but it’s READ MORE