Folded into tthe sixty-ninth psalm is a simple prayer that ought to capture the attention of every pastor, parent, coach, and shepherd. READ MORE
The Shepherd’s Prayer
Folded into the midst of of the sixty-ninth psalm is a remarkably simple prayer that captures my attention and ought to capture the attention of every pastor, leader and shepherd. Let not those who hope in you be put to shame through me, O Lord GOD of hosts; let not those who seek you be READ MORE
Exegesis Times Two: A Reprise
I received an encouraging email yesterday from a dear friend that brought to my mind this blog posting of mine from late summer or early fall of 2009. I have to tell you that I love to preach, and I am so thankful for the privilege that it is, and the patient and eager spirit READ MORE
The Preacher’s Scrap Pile: Seven Days in John 1
With both Genesis and the Gospel of John starting out with the words “In the beginning . . .”, the reader ought to expected other similarities of significance. One such parallel relates to timing. Of course Genesis 1 and 2 unfold for us the six days of creation plus the additional day of rest. During READ MORE