Turning Pain into a Parable

I have been giving some thought to the ways that God reveals himself in our lives and remembered this blog post from a couple of years back. As I reread it I decided it might be worth re-posting. Let me know if it resonates with you: Yesterday was one of those days marked by pain. READ MORE

Hope Beyond the Rubble

September 11, 2001, is a day that forever changed the shape of America. Like you, I will never forget it. Early that morning I had gone riding horses with a good friend, surveying the many things he was doing to develop his newly acquired ranch. Because I knew much of our morning would find us READ MORE

Where Was God When the Earth Moved Haiti?

HELP PROVIDE LONGTERM CARE IN THE NATION OF HAITI CrossWorld is a mission agency that has enjoyed a vibrant and effective presence in Haiti for many years, cooperating in efforts relating to education, medicine, church planting, evangelism, etc. In the aftermath of this devastating earthquake, CrossWorld’s crisis management team is working to address concerns such READ MORE

Turning Pain Into a Parable

Yesterday was one of those days marked by pain. In my heart. All the day. For reasons and circumstances utterly beyond my own doing yet simply common to Everyman. The stuff of life taking the toll on my life. And, you know, it is no different than your day, or your tomorrow, or some day READ MORE