From Jesus was are reminded the preference of the world is toward power and subjugation. There is a better way: lifting rather than lording. READ MORE
John 13
Four Needs for Moving Toward Jesus
John 15:8 offers a succinct word about the legitimacy of discipleship. Jesus says, “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.” But what is the fruit of discipleship—the fruit of which Jesus speaks? Is it having all kinds of knowledge about spiritual and/or theological things? READ MORE
Night, Giving Way to Day: A Reflection on the Resurrection
You are Peter. Your world is falling apart, your light has turned to darkness, and you are wondering if there is any hope. This is your story of the final hours, and of night giving way to day: Then came that fateful night. Have you ever been in a situation where you want to do READ MORE