An Invitation to Fast

An invitation: In light of the COVID-19 pandemic I am inviting the New Hope Church family to set aside Wednesdays as a day of fasting and prayer during which we seek God’s mercy for these uncertain and grievous days. -Pastor Matthew Responding to an existential threat from an approaching army, one ancient monarch, Jehoshaphat, called READ MORE

Three Temptations Common to All

In the barren wilderness known as the Jordan Rift the Lord Jesus faced three universal temptations designed to undermine him as a man and corrupt his sense of personal mission. It is likely that he dealt with many other temptations while in this physical wasteland, but these three are recorded, and they do indeed carry READ MORE

Reputation vs. Relationship

Right at that moment when we think Jesus may be watering down the essence of being rightly related to God, we realize that he is actually raising the bar quite a bit higher. The question about fasting, offered by the disciples of both John the Baptist and the Pharisees, as recorded in Mark 2:18 and READ MORE