Musings on Messages, Part One

The title is really wrong. It should say “Musings on the Messenger,” but I want to keep my options open for further reflections on sermons, the sermonizing process, and the nature of proclamation. However, I must begin whatever musings I am compelled to offer with the messenger himself (or herself, as the case might be). READ MORE

Exegesis Times Two: A Reprise

I received an encouraging email yesterday from a dear friend that brought to my mind this blog posting of mine from late summer or early fall of 2009. I have to tell you that I love to preach, and I am so thankful for the privilege that it is, and the patient and eager spirit READ MORE

Guarding the Deposit

Swept up into the activities of leading the church in Ephesus, young Timothy must have had moments of anxiety and despair. After all, this was the church Paul had so lovingly founded. It was nestled in the cradle of the Roman Empire—a cosmopolitan city that was renowned throughout the known world. And it was a READ MORE

Stress and Ministry

The religion editor from the Fargo Forum came and spent a couple of hours with me yesterday afternoon asking me to share a bit about stress in the ministry. This, of course, caught me by complete surprise because I typically do not think about “stress in ministry.” And, this encounter was somewhat curious timing to READ MORE