The great Apostle Peter once wrote, “Therefore, let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good” (1 Peter 4:19). Clearly Peter understood two very important things: when we do the will of God suffering may come (contrary to the whole health and wealth narrative), and God READ MORE
Old Guys Rule: Naomi and the Balm that Heals Bitterness
The next stop in our series “Old Guys Rule” takes us to a precious older woman named Naomi. Her story is the story of many of us: an uneasy life made so because of the multiple traumas of death and destitution. By the end of the Book of Ruth—the Old Testament book that tells her READ MORE
Your Backstory Need Not Limit You
Your past is never an excuse to withdraw from relationship or for mediocrity in your life. Your backstory need not limit you. READ MORE