Micah 6:8 offers a powerful glimpse at how one transformed by the redemptive power of God ought to live. In God’s economy mere transactional living is not sufficient. Transactional living is when believers rest selfishly on the idea that they have put their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation; they have their “Get Out of Hell READ MORE
Reflections on a Martyr on Independence Day
Just finishing the last pages of Eric Metaxas’ masterful biography on one of my heroes, Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, entitled, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. Fittingly, today, July 4, a day in which we American’s celebrate our nation’s birth, I close the book reading of Bonhoeffer’s execution at Flossenbürg concentration camp. Bonhoeffer was the greatest of READ MORE