Minnesota Legislature Invocation


Given by Pastor Matthew, June 18, 2021

Eternal God, I come before you today thankful for the women and men gathering from across the great state of Minnesota to tend to the people’s business. Thank you, Lord God, for their willingness—theirs is a demanding task. Thank you, Lord God, for their wisdom—theirs is a complex task. Thank you, Lord God, for their vision—theirs is a responsibility toward which the watchful eyes of all Minnesotans are set. Our expectations are high. These dear ones know it, feel it, and are sobered by it. May they, through your eternal power and goodness, rise.

Grant them still more wisdom, Mighty God. Let both your common grace for all, and that particular grace for those who follow you, permeate the souls of these respected women and men. May they discern what brings you the greatest glory and may they pursue that above all, knowing such will always bring our greatest good. 

May they be stouthearted in the face of complexity, compromise, and criticism, trusting you for strength and stamina. May they be noble people, selfless, gathering not to be served but to serve. May they be a people who, as your Word directs, do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with you. They need your help. We need their dependency upon you. May they artfully fulfill their charge resting at the foot of your eternal Throne.

Your timeless Word tells of an ancient king who “shepherded the people with integrity of heart, and with skillful hands, led them.” May this always describe our esteemed legislators. May their every step be animated by your goodness, justice, righteousness, truth, and power. And may any spiritual hunger, among each and every one, give way to the eternal solace found only in you, the God Who Saves, our beloved Way, Truth, and Life.

Honoring our many faith traditions, yet as my own conscience dictates, I pray these things, humbly, trustingly, and gratefully, in the matchless name of the Lord Jesus.
