With a gentle nod toward General Dwight D. Eisenhower and his powerful message to the Allied forces just before they landed at Normandy in June 1944, the following statement, reframed as if from our Heavenly Father for our marvelous ministry team at New Hope Church, but poignant for the ministry laborer wherever she or he may be, is certainly timely as one season ends and a new season commences. Enjoy, as if sitting at the Father’s feet, while He dotes on you:
My precious bondslaves, children, and friends,
You are embarking on a great mission; toward which you have striven these many months. My eyes and the eyes of a watching world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of the hosts of Heaven and your church family march with you. In company with your courageous teammates, volunteers, and even fellow believers striving and suffering and serving around the world, you will bring the light of my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to many, equipping and empowering my beloved image bearers to move toward Jesus and take others with them.
Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely. He crouches close at hand.
But you live in the shadow of a resurrected and victorious King, and you move in the power of the Mighty Spirit! Much has happened since you took the reins of your particular ministry. And beyond you I have blessed your church with many who have gone before you faithfully sowing seed for my glory and people’s joy. In my eternal delight I have, through your church, offered many resources of time and talent and treasure, and I have heard and continue to respond to the humble petitions and praises of many. Grace abounds! I delight in you! Your opportunities for Kingdom work and Kingdom fruit are significant. You, my redeemed daughters and sons, are marching together in humility and joy and with purpose! Stay strong. Be united. Rest at my bosom while moving with vigilance.
Your elders, Pastor Paul, and Pastor Matthew have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in the task. Most importantly, so do I. Please enjoy full trust in me, the Triune God! I will not let you down. I will help you. I will strengthen you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Rest in my power and love! Seek the blessings of your Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.
With Eternal Love,