Remembering 9/11

In the language of the ancient Hebrews there is a word that invites all who hear it to intentionally, sensitively and with a sense of sacredness memorialize some moment or event or person that is worthy of recollection. It is the word zakar, and it is a word that has been on my mind a READ MORE

Kiss the Calves

Tucked within the ancient scrolls is an honest assessment about a rebellious people whose world is falling apart around them. Consider, from Hosea 13:2, the following: It is said of them, “Those who offer human sacrifices kiss calves!” The “calves” referenced in this old statement are the silvery idols crafted by human hands and then bowed READ MORE

Old Guys Rule: Abraham and the Life of Faith

My friend and theologian/pastor Cornelius Olowala, a Nigerian man who for many years was the president of the Evangelical Church of West Africa, a multimillion member evangelical denomination, once offered a striking commentary on America that I have not gotten over. “In Africa,” he said, “our older people are revered while in America they are READ MORE

A Prayer for America

Father, It is the National Day of Prayer. Millions of us Americans will be crying out to you. We should do this everyday, however. Forgive me for failing to consider that. As you look upon us you must be pleased. We are no doubt a special people. Your hand of mercy has been upon us READ MORE

Usama Bin Laden and Justice

My reaction to the death of Usama bin Laden was one of instant gratification and gratitude. Clearly, bin Laden has been one of America’s greatest nemeses, and the operation by the Navy SEALS to take him out must, I would imagine, go down in the annals of American military history as one of the most READ MORE

Recapturing the Narrative for Societal Greatness

I’ve been invited to share with some regional political leaders about the infusion of absolute truth into the current regional and national political atmosphere. The fervent desire of these leaders is to avoid those pitfalls that cause timeless principles for a safe and responsible greatness to come off self-righteous and futile.  Here is just one READ MORE