Three Temptations Common to All

In the barren wilderness known as the Jordan Rift the Lord Jesus faced three universal temptations designed to undermine him as a man and corrupt his sense of personal mission. It is likely that he dealt with many other temptations while in this physical wasteland, but these three are recorded, and they do indeed carry READ MORE

When Your Adversary Roars

I was asked recently to share about the way spiritual warfare works in my own life. What a tough thing to tackle! Dare I be brutally honest, conveying the depths that I can go in my own struggle against the “cosmic powers over this present darkness” (Ephesians 6:12)? Generally speaking I shared along two lines. READ MORE

Jesus Shines Brighter

If you have ever groped around in a dark room, trying to get a sure footing and not stumble into the furniture, then you know the value of having even the slightest light to guide your progress. The dim light of a lamp in the living room or the soft glow of a clock’s dial READ MORE

A Lesson on a Lake

Here is a very hard word of truth: life is not about you. Or me. There are things going on that are far greater. Lest you wonder, check out the following account from Mark 6:45 and following: [quote]Immediately he made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, to READ MORE