Your King is Coming!

Five hundred and forty years before the first Easter a prophet named Zechariah captured the attention of God’s people, speaking directly into their vulnerabilities, fears and brokenness. After seventy years of exile within the high walls of a brutal empire, the Jewish people had been released to return to their ancient homeland and its capital, READ MORE

“With You I Am Well Pleased”

When was the last time you really, truly felt loved and appreciated? Like you were special? That someone, anyone, really delighted in . . . well . . . you? The ancient Israelites wrestled with these questions. They felt forgotten. Abandoned. Lost and desperate. Isaiah 63:19 gives a hint of this, at which place their READ MORE

Safety & Satisfaction: A Man’s Legacy

The sages tell of a famous king whose selfishness created much harm for those who followed him. The story goes that he made a vow that no one in his army could eat any food until dusk had come and he himself was avenged on his enemies. This was disastrous because the army was already READ MORE

A Christmas Prayer

One of the features of any Christmas celebration is the longing many of us have to carry the spirit of Christmas into the many long days and weeks and months that follow. How often is it that we think to ourselves that we want to experience the meaning of Christmas ten days out, or twenty, READ MORE

A Rustic Stable

When the rough and tumble shepherds gathered into the rustic stable Joseph hardly knew what to do. No doubt, fear gripped him as they assembled around the little boy in the manger. Mary—startled from her much needed sleep by the commotion—looked up with bewilderment. What do these men want? The answer came quickly. With an READ MORE

Old Guys Rule: Anna and the King

There are only three verses recording her story, and yet within the broad expanse of God’s written Word, Anna leaps out as a compelling, winsome and remarkable woman seasoned by life and her Lord. Take in the whole of her story, as recorded in Luke 2:36-38: And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of READ MORE