A Call to Follow

“We walk the same road.” These five words could have solemnly been offered by Mark, the writer of the second gospel narrative found in the New Testament, to the frantic Christians coming to him for help because of the persecution they faced in Rome. “We walk the same road . . . the road Jesus READ MORE

How I Go to Worship

I wear on my wrist a little black band that says One With Them. It’s in the shape of barbed wire, and evokes the tragic image of Christians imprisoned the world-over for their faith in Jesus Christ. It reminds me to pray for them. It reminds me to remember them. It reminds me to not READ MORE

Reflections on Repentance

Tim Keller was quoted on Twitter the other day (March 6, 2012), and it immediately grabbed my attention. He stated, “Fear-based repentance makes us hate ourselves. Joy-based repentance makes us hate sin.” Simple, brilliant and true. This has given me much to think about and pray about, the effect of which are some musings that READ MORE

Worshippers Who Live Above & Beyond

This post finds us continuing in our series entitled, “Living Above & Beyond.” The purpose of the whole series, and this season in which we find ourselves at Bethel Church, is to equip us as followers of Jesus to live above and beyond material slavery, spiritual complancency, and small-minded eternal vision. We want God to READ MORE