“She Took No Thought”

While reading through the oft-neglected book of Lamentations, one stumbles across a notion worthy of some attention. Lamentations 1:9—addressing God’s judgment of the idol-stricken city of Jerusalem—says it this way: “she took no thought of her future; therefore her fall is terrible.” Indeed, it is so. The citizens of Jerusalem daily repudiated God’s merciful calls READ MORE

Be Good for Goodness’ Sake

Oh brother. If you haven’t seen it, the American Humanist Association has initiated a $40,000.00 ad campaign “trying to plant a seed of rational thought and critical thinking and questioning in people’s minds.” They are seeking to tap into the antipathy that non-religious people have toward Christianity, particularly during the Christmas season. Acknowledging “there are READ MORE

Our New President

Whether you are going to bed filled with utter elation or deep despair, there is one response that must be at once common and necessary among all of us, especially those of us claiming to follow Jesus Christ. Consider the words of the Apostle Paul to his younger friend Timothy: First of all, then, I READ MORE

The Prayer of Persistence

The house was strangely quiet except for the sounds of a woman’s bitter weeping rising from downstairs. Elijah sat on the floor of the upstairs bedroom staring at the young boy—the dead boy—as his lifeless body rested upon the bed. Elijah, too, undoubtedly tasted the bitter herb of grief. “O LORD my God, have you READ MORE