“Behold, the Man!”

With Christmas looming I can’t help but think, yet again, about the raw humanity of our Lord Jesus. After all, his was not some noble appearing, a supernatural being whose other-worldliness kept him remote from time and space. He was not, as the ancient Gnostics declared, one who only seemed human. Jesus was flesh and READ MORE

Twirling Girl: A Christmas Poem

Dust swirling ‘round diminutive feet Broom brushing dust away Calmly singing, twirling girl Found unsuspecting, today All alone she was, she thought Tending to homey tasks A presence, a light, peace with fright Cherubic voice; she gasps A message bold to simple girl From Eternity into Time God in flesh, born to die Contented womb, READ MORE

A Rustic Stable

When the rough and tumble shepherds gathered into the rustic stable Joseph hardly knew what to do. No doubt, fear gripped him as they assembled around the little boy in the manger. Mary—startled from her much needed sleep by the commotion—looked up with bewilderment. What do these men want? The answer came quickly. With an READ MORE

He Arrived: A Christmas Poem

He arrived. In the midst of darkness and sin, the Promised Child of the Ages came to the scene. Unpretentious. Without fanfare. Quietly . . . on a still night in Palestine. To ordinary people. He arrived. For the brokenhearted and those filled with shame, the Immanuel came to the scene. A little child . READ MORE

Climbing the Dusty Trail

It was that time of year for the elderly priest from Judea’s hills to join ranks with the other priests of his division and travel to the glorious city of Jerusalem. With all of the gumption he could muster, gumption only the younger ones were expected to have, he placed a tender hand on Elizabeth’s READ MORE

Be Good for Goodness’ Sake

Oh brother. If you haven’t seen it, the American Humanist Association has initiated a $40,000.00 ad campaign “trying to plant a seed of rational thought and critical thinking and questioning in people’s minds.” They are seeking to tap into the antipathy that non-religious people have toward Christianity, particularly during the Christmas season. Acknowledging “there are READ MORE