Lightning Rods


So toward the end of the movie The Second Chance, which Christa and I watched with rapt attention last night, one of the characters, striving to rally his soul for the task of standing against injustice, made the comment that he wanted his life to be like a lightning rod. He says something to the effect of, “A lightning rod fears nothing but God Almighty.”

Oh, that there could be more Lightning Rods for the Master.

LightningJeremiah 20:11 declares, “But the LORD is with me like a mighty warrior . . . .” Being that this is true, why is it that God’s men seem to lack so much by way of courage and strength? Why is it we tend toward passivity in our realms–in our homes, in our places of work, in our churches, in our communities? How come it is that we shrink back from the needs to speak truth, offer the presence of Jesus, and otherwise stand in the gaps?

Granted some do. But these, I suspect, are rare. Too often men are emasculated in the soul, fearing everone and everything but, well, the Almighty. What to do? What to do?

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