An Important Invitation


I want to personally invite you to this year’s Global Leadership Summit, hosted once again by Bethel Church here in Fargo. The dates are August 9-10, 2012, and it’s filling up fast.

The Summit has been life-changing for me, and I only wish I had participated in them sooner. I think I can honestly say my leadership saw is sharper, my ability to process and capture a vision for the responsibilities before me is stronger, and my heart has been greatly infused with the kind of spiritual substance that was not only timely, but deeply personal. The fact is I cannot say enough about how powerful these two days can be.

Amazingly, it seems to fall on my calendar just in time. I was thinking recently how overwhelmed and even discouraged I feel about some heavy ministry rocks that are rolling around in my world. I don’t know if you get to that point, but when I do I begin to feel isolated, weary and even ready to give up. In the past when I have found myself in such a season, the Summit is used of the Lord to catapult me out of that mire, refreshing my spirit, renewing my outlook, and generally restoring my sense of purpose.

You really must come, bringing with you those you know will benefit from the Christ-centered focus, world-class leadership faculty, and inspiration that changes lives. We at Bethel Church want to serve you any way we can; making your experience as rich as possible. Let us know how.

Click here to check out more about the Global Leadership Summit!

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